Sep 25, 2018
More and more people practice intentional silencing just because it seems we’re in a noisy society. There’s noise everywhere! With the rise of social media noise, you almost can’t get away from it all. When you imagine the deafening din that the ordinary citizen experiences on a daily basis and multiply it by a thousand, you’ll get pretty close to what PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) might be like. Nathan Segal, troubled by the pain of PTSD caused by abuse that went back to his childhood, reveals how he successfully approached PTSD recovery through writing and self-examination.
Nathan Segal is a copywriter and author with over seventeen years of experience in writing for consumer and trade journals and corporate communications. He is the author of seven books, all on the subjects of computer graphics and photography, which include Fundamentals of 3D Graphics, The Photoshop Companion, How to Speed up Your Computer: In 30 Minutes or Less, Professional Photographic MS Word Templates, The Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3/X4 Insider, How To Position Yourself As An Expert In Any Industry, and Secrets of Profitable Freelance Writing. As a travel writer, Nathan has written about his fantastic journeys between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
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