Nov 6, 2018
Everyone has a unique story to share with the world, but too often, we feel intimidated, blocked, and overwhelmed when we attempt to put words down on paper. As a writing coach and founder of the 90-Day Book Breakthrough Program, Dallas Woodburn’s passion is helping entrepreneurs finally get out of their own way and write the book that is burning inside them in just 90 days. Publishing a book can unlock amazing opportunities, raise your status as an expert, funnel new clients into your business, open doors for paid speaking gigs, and most important of all, share your message with a wider audience so you can positively impact even more lives. Dallas is the author of three books and has published writing in dozens of magazines, newspapers, websites, and more than 30 books in the popular “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. She shares how the 90-Day Book Breakthrough Program works.
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