Jul 24, 2018
A horse can be a teacher and catalyst. Mindy Tatz Chernoff, founder of The Resonant Horse, a novel in innovative approach to feeling, partnering with horses as teachers and catalysts for change and transformation, started taking care of a pony at eight years old. Through the journey of life, after having many years of experience with horses, she realized that brushing them, caring for them, and tending to them creates neuro connections in the brain. We’re all so busy and so stressed and we never stop or press the pause button. Mindy says when people come to the farm, it’s not her facilitating but the horses are the master teachers. She says connecting with the horses is so imperative because their heart and energy field is so much larger than ours. When we’re with them, we can be affected by that enough with positive physiological changes. If we’re open, the horses can lead us to greater love, acceptance and compassion.
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