Aug 4, 2016
Do You Have A Business Community? In my experience, every business owner needs to be supported by some type of business community. Do you belong to one? If you are a local business you can find a business community in your area. If you are a national, or international company then I strongly advise you find a global business community to be a part of. Why do I believe being part of a community is so important? When you own a business you want to be adding value to your local community or to the global niche community you are part of. Businesses that help the community and that are part of a small business community association create value for their community through business community service, community business partnership, their business community involvement, and community business development. The small business community in your local area is depending on the local business community to help strengthen the local economy, help local charities and organizations, and be an active part of the local area. If you haven’t done this yet, I strongly suggest you look at some community involvement ideas for businesses. Businesses in the community usually come together and form a community business model. There are many models for community businesses to get involved in and most models provide community business services. If you have a local or regional business, I suggest you start by becoming more well known as a community business and don’t sit in isolation. I recommend you look at the community business model and participate in this model because it works by having a community of businesses pool their resources together to draw in customers, to conduct marketing and to drive up revenues. Sales can be generated more easily when you have a local physical community business model where your business serves the needs of the community. When you have a local presence and the business actively participates in community events your business will be found more easily by prospective customers. Sometimes, when the local community is more expanded and covers a greater geographic region, you can align with your community through membership in professional organizations in your local community or even a business community college, and play an active role in their programs. Often community business lenders are active in these communities and there is an entire community business plan that has been pulled together with the active community based businesses. If you are a national or international business you now can use the Internet to bring members to your on-line community. On-line communities tend to focus on similar professions, similar goals, or people who have similar needs or problems. There are many small business online community programs now. If you are seeking a community where you can learn to grow your business with liked minded business owners who are ready to do business heart-to-heart and to turbocharge and transform your business as a Heartrepreneur® , then I suggest you join this on-line community: This community helps business owners: Give up your limiting beliefs, fears, and anxieties and make clear heart based motivated decisions quick…
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