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Heart-repreneur® Radio

Sep 18, 2018

“We had four suicides on our base last week.”

This is the call that Brandon Peele got from his buddy at the US Marine Corps, and that’s a heavily purpose-driven, mission-driven organization. Brandon, a Certified Purpose Guide, wants to recalibrate our purpose as part of the human race in these tumultuous times. In his twenties, Brandon owned what he thought was the game. He had a good job, a career in investment banking, a rich social life, dating and all that stuff, until he woke up and decided, “This isn’t me.” By the time Brandon was 27, he has landed in jail in six different states. Now with his online purpose courses that prove to be a hit among teams from Apple, Johnson & Johnson, Google, and the United States Marine Corps, Brandon shares how one’s fate is decided by where you’ll direct your personal experiences in life.

Brandon Peele is a Certified Purpose Guide. He is the author of Planet On Purpose, co-author of Purpose Rising, and the Founder of Ensouled.Life, a company that awakens individual, organizational, and citywide purpose.

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