Jun 28, 2018
There are a lot of people who would make great coaches, who never get the opportunity because they can’t get clients through the door. And it’s not like paid advertising is an option for someone who’s simply starting out in the business. If they give up, it’s not just them that lose out, but all of the people...
Jun 26, 2018
Vetting people is hard, and it’s even harder in the virtual hiring process. You might be combing through all these websites, going through profile after profile, hoping to stumble upon somebody qualified – but this drill can cost you a lot of your precious time and money. Fortunately there’s already a...
Jun 21, 2018
Looking to produce outstanding monthly cash flow returns on your turnkey investments? It’s not impossible! Jeff Schechter, CEO and Co-Founder of High Return Real Estate, LLC, shows you exactly how you can achieve this goal. Together with Jack Gibson, his co-founder and the company’s president, High Return Real...
Jun 19, 2018
It’s no big secret that the corporate ladder’s top rungs are mostly dominated by men. But what about high-performing, high-earning women executives? Is there a realistic way for them to smash the corporate glass ceiling – for good? Vindya Vee shares the secret to elevating your career and crushing the obstacles in...
Jun 14, 2018
Instant fame is a double-edged sword: it can be used for you or against you. From being the popular cheerleader, playing sports, and participating in extracurricular activities, you might go to the top or bottom of the totem pole. This was exactly what Jada Vance faced after being eliminated from American Idol. But...